get sth by cunning 意味

  • こうかつな手段であるものを手に入れる


        sth:     STH {略-1} : somatotrophin ソマトトロピン -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {略-2} : somatotropin ソマトトロピン、成長ホルモン
        cunning:     1cunning n. ずるさ, こうかつ. 【動詞+】 employ cunning to get what one wants ずるさを発揮して自分の欲しいものを手に入れる It needs cunning to do something like that. そのようなことをするにはこうかつさが必要だ Your dealings with that
        sth(somatotropic hormone):    STH(somatotropic hormone) STH[医生]
        artful cunning:    巧みなずる賢さ
        as cunning as a fox:    非常にずるい[狡猾{こうかつ}な]
        cunning adversary:    狡猾{こうかつ}な敵
        cunning animal:    狡猾な動物{どうぶつ}
        cunning answer:    狡猾{こうかつ}な答
        cunning as a fox:    
        cunning crime:    狡猾{こうかつ}な犯罪{はんざい}
        cunning expression:    狡猾{こうかつ}な表情{ひょうじょう}
        cunning fellow:    ずるいやつ、業師{わざし}
        cunning girl:    かわいい女の子
        cunning kick:    女房に内緒でへそくりを隠し持つこと
        cunning look:    ずるそうな目つき


  1. "get steamed up" 意味
  2. "get steamed up about the fact that" 意味
  3. "get steamed up over the policy of the government" 意味
  4. "get stepped on in the packed train" 意味
  5. "get stewed" 意味
  6. "get sth down from the top shelf" 意味
  7. "get sth into one's grasp" 意味
  8. "get sth past customs" 意味
  9. "get sth through customs" 意味
  10. "get stepped on in the packed train" 意味
  11. "get stewed" 意味
  12. "get sth down from the top shelf" 意味
  13. "get sth into one's grasp" 意味

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